Had a good time in the Pak despite all that damn loadshedding and all the stupid heat and diarrhea.
Moved in with the DonJuan and it's peachy.
Got a haircut today, went real short, I'm guessing she chopped off like 5 or 6 inches (my hair was very long, and dead and gross at the end).

She dried it real straight and then cut it.
Needless to say, she went real choppy with the bangs and it's interesting and I like it, very different.
My mom just swung by to pick up some stuff and her reaction was sort of startling. My hair is wet just now but by the looks of her reaction I'm going to have to wear a bag over my head for the next 3 months.
I'm going to bed now, and going to work with some hipster hair tomorrow. It's okay since I work for a non-profit and live in a trendy neighborhood now.