Home & Work should be like Oil & Water.
Now my sleepiness has gone away and I'm awake and my head hurts. Sonofabitch!
I want to leave this. I'm not equipped to deal with hotel contracts and all this administrative shit. I bring so much of my work stress home with me, part of me hasn't yet come to terms with the fact that I'm not in school anymore, that you're not supposed to think about your job when you leave the place.
I must remember something bigger.


Cry Baby

Come to Minneapolis. =) I could put in a good word for you here.
why don't you come live with me in providence --we can find a place cheap cheap and you won't even have to work for like a year, and we'll do whatever we want, ride bikes, make things/cartoons, dance, and watch little women at three am or some shit. i could support us, it'll be like a tracy chapman song, only without hoping for better days
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