My eyeballs feel sad. They need a massage. Tomorrow is my first class in pursuit of a master's degree. Yay higherhigher educations! But, srsly, I'm excited. And very afraid. I'm always really afraid.
Work is the same, which it should stay that way so I can be good at school. Though I'm bored half the time, getting emails from my bosses always thanking me for my work (and the occasional "You rock!") makes up for the rest of the wasted time or crappy tasks I get stuck with.
Right now I'm being squinty because I need new glasses. I'm trying to watch the DNC, but it's boring. I wasn't really feeling Michelle Obama's speech last night. I thought it was really forced and trying too hard to be emotive, too Barack-y; she kept starting her sentences with "Y'see...". I like her a lot, just thought her speech was a bit of a letdown. The Obama kids screaming into the microphone was intended to be cute but it was just awkward. I'm being too judge-y I know. All these events are weird to me. If you break it down; how excited people are to follow someone who is made out to be a symbol of change. "Change we can believe in" plastered all over the screens, voices screeching into microphones bounding through the arena...It's all sort of 1984-ish. It's not so much a critique of the DNC, as much as it is about this whole process, the way people think and how they put their faith in politicians.
I will say, that I liked Ted Kennedy's short speech, and I always love seeing Jimmy Carter, I just want to give him a big but gentle hug, bloodshot eye and all.
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