November 12, 2008

Bristol (paper, not Palin)

It's been a while and I have finally found something to say. Work has been keeping me super-stressed and so has school. I feel like I am at the laziest part of my life, where I am not feeling committed to anything I do, yet doing things because I have to and chugging along nonetheless. The only thing which brings me some kind of peace is going home at the end of the day. Waking up in the morning is a whole different story, I can't shake this feeling of wanting to hide under my covers until all feeling of obligation from every guilt-ridden bone in my body is completely gone. Meaning, I never want to come into work and put it off in the morning until I am at least an hour late, but at least I suck it up and show up!

ANYWAY I am at work, not doing what I should be doing (because I don't know how) and avoiding other little trivial things by talking at my blog.

I haven't been making anything really; I am working on the border (in my typical doodle-y style)on a huge piece that I have started working on with Juanly in our spare time. If I had a camera or bothered to ever set up my scanner then I would share this. Instead, I will share this tip: The other day I went to Utrecht and found these wonderful things!

They are 2.5x3.5", perfect for hiding under my notepad and doodling. Another unique feature is that you can swap your mini-artworks with other artists through an online forum (more info here): --You can either do it in person locally, or online. They have every kind of paper, including little baby-canvases!

If I had even more time at work (or more accurately, if I were more creative), I would start brainstorming a narrative to develop a series of cards. A wallet-sized workspace is definitely less daunting than your average 8x10" and up sized papers.

My personal favorite has always been bristol paper, which is versatile, and handles pen/ink, marker, and colored pencil particularly well without bleeding or warping the paper when you want to layer these mediums.

I think that's all I was aiming to say. I will post some stuff in a few weeks!

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